杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD] みんなこんな本を読んできた 杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD]
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杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD] ( 塚田 和徳 )

This is a smaller sized soft cover photobook with photos of Sayuri from the same shoots as her first and second photobook. The book comes with a DVD that has about 1 hour of "making of" footage. A few clips are the same as the ones on the DVD that came with the Departure photobook, but most are different. The book consists mostly of bikini pics. You get very much Sayuri per yen with this book. Great book, great value.

杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD] ↑ご購入はこちらからどうぞ。
杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD]
管理人の書評: 僕はこんな本を読んできた。 はこちらからどうぞ。
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杏さゆりDVD+写真集「in Thailand」[DVD]